
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Spent some time capping this weekend

Well, I got some new caps done. I slept most of yesterday from being sick. But today, I banged some out.

Today, I did some more interesting stuff, and I'm thinking of starting a new blog based on that. I've been trying new things and having fun in my personal life. Plus my story site has fallen off because I have not really gotten in the mood to write on it.

So I am thinking of killing the story site blog and making one based on stuff that I do, or stuff that I am going through. Most of the stories I have been writing are based on true events of my life; they would fit good in the new blog.

But I don't know. It's not like my site gets a lot of hits, and I don't really know if a personal one would do all that great. But it is something to think about. I've done some amazing, and even crazy stuff recently that I cannot talk about to people I know. Why not tell a bunch of strangers, about my most intimate thoughts and actions, huh?

Something to think about. But tonight it's too late to even think about setting up another blog anyways. I would look forward to any comments on whether or not any of you would read it. I know it would be hard to say if you don't really know what's going on there. But any comments would help.


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