
Friday, October 17, 2014

What's going on with me.

Sorry everybody, that I haven't been posting any new captions. Since coming out as transgendered to my family and my girls, things have become a whirlwind of activities. It's been crazy.

My girls have been a real help in bringing me out more. They've really accepted for who I am and actually adore it. We've been having mass crazy fun on the weekends. I've actually been in and out of many stores dressed as a girl. And the funny thing is that there has been no fear or discomfort.

In fact, I have decided that being a full time girl is what I want to do with the rest of my life; though I know that there are so many steps ahead. But I am anxious and excited for the future.

I will try to get capping again when I can get time and inspiration again, but for right now I am caught up in the processes that I need to take. Being happy is the most important thing to me right now. Especially after a couple months of suicidal thoughts. I'm sure you understand.
